Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Do any one know where can I get Microsoft Office for free?

Where can I get Microsoft Office that have everything in PowerPoint, Word etc. for free.

Do any one know where can I get Microsoft Office for free?virus scan

I know the illegal way and the legal way.

Illegal way:

Find it on a warez site, download it, crack it. WARNING: Very likely that you'll get a virus from this

Legal way: is an opensource Microsoft office alternative. It looks like it (sortof), comes with an alternative to PowerPoint, Excel, Word, etc. and it can even save to their file type for compatability so you can switch between them.

Do any one know where can I get Microsoft Office for free?anti virus scan

you can get it from the official Microsoft site

but it is only free for 30 days

after that you have to pay big money to get the licence key. without the key it still works but you cannot SAVE anything so it is not much use

get and try OpenOffice, the files are compatible with MSOffice for if you need to share.
Well, you could download bitcomet or Utorrent, install either one, then go to isohunt and download whatever software you want, even if it cost money you can download it off isohunt for free, always read comments people leave about the download, cause sometimes it may have a virus, if it does have a virus they will say something about it in comments.
Raneman is right, but to add on to his answer, I suggest bitcomet, and a good website to get the torrent from is and

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